Is it an Emergency?

Sometimes illnesses that don’t seem very bad are actually quite serious. Other times we panic over things that are not as bad as they seem. Take a look below and see if we can help you better determine how serious the problem with your pet is.

Emergency (pet needs to be seen right away, even in the middle of the night)

  • Difficult or suddenly noisy breathing
  • Blue or white color in the gums
  • Injury or disease causing loss of consciousness
  • Heavy bleeding or bleeding that will not stop
  • Straining to urinate, especially males
  • Seizures lasting more than 10 minutes
  • Ingestion, or even a suspicion of ingestion of anything toxic (Bring the package with you!)
  • Sudden onset of paralysis or weakness
  • Any injury to the eye
  • Active hard labour without delivering a puppy or kitten in 15 minutes
  • Extreme pain
  • Deep penetrating wounds

Urgency (should be seen today)

  • Continuous vomiting or diarrhea
  • Dangling or non-weight-bearing limbs
  • Ingestion of inappropriate items- balls, string, elastics, rocks, earplugs, etc.
  • Open wounds – the sooner we treat it the better it will heal
  • Severe itching that prevents you or your pet from resting
  • Change in the appearance of a surgical wound such as swelling, redness, or discharge
  • Tick imbedded in skin

Serious Health Problem (should be seen today or tomorrow)

  • Mild vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than a day
  • Small amounts of blood in stool
  • Mild lameness that hasn’t resolved overnight
  • Shaking or scratching head or trunk
  • Bad breath
  • Anal gland problems (scooting)
  • Cut or blistered foot pads with only minor bleeding
  • Cat fight wounds, if animal is otherwise fine
  • “Hot spots”- superficial skin infections, unless severely painful
  • Ear infections and hematomas (swollen ear)
  • Insect stings and bites causing swollen lips
  • Otherwise healthy animals off-feed for more than 2 days

In the event of an emergency during our normal office hours please call ahead if possible and proceed directly to our practice.

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